The more you try, the faster you go
After making thousands of proto PCBA's we realised that the fastest way to launch a new product is by continous building and testing.
DeltaProto is a young company with experienced engineers. And because we have developed many products ourselves...
Our Service is based on flexibility. Product ideas are in motion, requirements and wishes are tightened or adjusted and products are never...
Our proces is devided in 4 phases. The order phase, the preparation phase, the sample fase and finally the series phase. We are happy to explain ...
The more you iterate your designs, the more you are able to learn and improve. And although it seems cumbersome at times, you are not the only one that needs more than one turn to get it right...
Like the most of us, whet starting a new development, Henry Ford started with his version A. And after 19 itterations he concluded that this black car could be a winner.
When the guys at the Rocket Chemical Company in 1953 wanted to create a Water Displacement liquid it took 39 misses before they made their world famous spray.
According to Alexander Fleming one sometimes finds what one is not looking for and at the same time revolutionised medicine. Success by recognising new opportunities
Our aim is to support electronical engineers in the
Proof of Principle
At the start of your project you first manually fry to test basic functionality. If you more...
Proto PCBA
Use our service as soon as you want to validate your PoC or Proto PCBA, Let us make more...
Field Test
After you have established your proto PCBA use our service to initiate your hardware field test. we more...
PCBA Series production
Once your field test is satisfactory, you take your design and all to gathered experiences to your EMS partner. more...
We’re a team, young and old, from Europe, the America's, Africa and Asia. And although we have gathered quite some proto PCBA manufacturing experience over the years we still learn every day.
Production Engineer
Software Engineer
DeltaProto France
Purchase Engineer
Production Engineer
Sales Engineer
Production Engineer
Production Engineer
Production Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Financial Engineer
Chief Engineer
Quality Engineer
DeltaProto Twente
PreProduction Engineer
Office Engineer
Chief Production Engineer
Production Engineer